On an annual basis, usually in January, we at Taftsville Chapel Mennonite Fellowship have the opportunity to reconfirm our commitment to Jesus Christ and to renew our covenant of membership together. It is a time to confess together what we believe, and what we do about what we believe. It is also the way in which we include anyone new to faith in Jesus Christ, or to membership at Taftsville. We invite you to read and consider your personal response.
We believe God is the Creator and Master of all things.
We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God and displayed all the fullness of God in human form.
We believe that Christ’s coming announced the Kingdom of God; His death on the cross paid the penalty for our sin; and His resurrection makes sure both our present freedom and our future hope.
We believe each individual must personally accept the salvation offered by Christ, and show that decision by repentance and baptism.
We believe God’s Holy Spirit gives life, direction and wholeness to everyone who receives salvation.
We believe the life of the Lord Jesus and the Word of God (the Bible) reveal the truth of God, and are our guides for daily living.
We believe that the Church is the Family of God with Christ as the head, where all members are called to share their love, time, possessions and spiritual gifts.
We believe Christ will come again to fulfill the Kingdom and bring his people into eternal joy in the world to come.
As members of Taftsville Chapel Mennonite Fellowship
We covenant to:
Live a life of simple obedience to the will of God.
Open ourselves to the guidance, direction, instruction and encouragement of the Holy Spirit to conform us to the image of Jesus Christ.
Be willing to be used for the strengthening of the Body of Christ, including the willingness to boldly tell others of salvation in Christ.
Labor together in understanding and meeting human needs in our local community and in our world.
Refrain from the use of violence, and be peacemakers in our time.
Regularly meet together for worship, study, prayer and encouragement.
Give systematically and generously of our financial resources, our time and our spiritual gifts.
Annually renew our commitment to Jesus Christ and affirm our covenant with one another.