Since 1960 a group of Christians has met regularly in Taftsville for worship and fellowship. The members have come together to seek practical ways to live out a life of discipleship to Jesus Christ. We believe God revealed himself most fully in Jesus of Nazareth, and that the death and resurrection of Jesus make it possible for us to have a right relationship with God. The life of Jesus also provides a practical model of how God intends his people to obey him and relate to others.

The Fellowship at Taftsville grew out of mission efforts by Mennonites in eastern Pennsylvania (Franconia Mennonite Conference). In the mid-1950’s, several teams from Pennsylvania came to Vermont to lead Vacation Bible School programs. These contacts opened the way for regular Sunday worship to begin in 1960 at the former schoolhouse in Taftsville. Many of the first members were Mennonite conscientious objectors who were assigned by the government to work at a nearby hospital as an alternative to military service.

Taftsville Chapel Mennonite Fellowship stands within the “Believer’s Church” tradition. In our understanding, the scriptures teach that each individual must make an adult decision to accept Christ as Savior and Lord. “Savior” means we accept the death and resurrection of Jesus as providing forgiveness of sin and reconciliation with God. “Lord” means we accept the example and teaching of Jesus as the model for our lives.  Mennonites also belong to the “Peace Church” tradition.  We believe that becoming peace-makers in our daily lives, including choosing not to participate in any form of violence, is one way of following closely the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Mennonites trace their roots back to the European Anabaptists (“Re-baptisers”) of the 16th Century Reformation. The name “Anabaptist” was used then to describe persons who declared their infant baptism invalid, and insisted on being re-baptized as adults. Today Mennonites are the largest group carrying on this heritage. We warmly acknowledge our brothers and sisters in Christ who are part of other Protestant and Catholic traditions. We also treasure our own spiritual heritage, and use the name “Mennonite” because it represents understandings that we profess.