We are on the road as I type….somewhere around Knoxville, TN and are hoping to get close to Gulfport, MS sometime tomorrow. Being well aware of the old “first impressions” axiom, I’d prefer to show up at the church in the morning, rested (maybe?) and alert (and showered) rather than in the evening looking like a flood victim and half asleep. (“sooooo…this is what MDS project directors look like” *groan) :O)
We got to the MDS office Monday night after 9pm and just growled at anybody that got close and dove into bed. I was a little more personable in the morning. We had a very busy and intense day with meetings most of the time just getting up to speed with respect to the status of the various MDS projects. Got four shots in the same arm and still feel it. (Tetanus, Hep A & B, and Typhoid)