The Transition Team exists to guide and assist the congregation in moving forward during this time of pastoral transition. There is need for continued clarity and healing, and this team will work with Franconia Conference Leadership Minister Jenifer Eriksen Morales to prepare us for our next pastoral search.
This team is an ad hoc committee made up of 5 members nominated by the congregation for a specific, two-year term. They will meet together regularly, with a primary initial task of selecting an intentional interim pastor. When the congregation has worked through an agreed upon number of goals, under the guidance of an interim pastor and the Transition Team a new pastoral search committee will be formed.
Team Qualities:
- Goal-oriented
- Able to make decisions
- Open to new ideas and points of view
- Good listener
- Healthy communicator, both written & verbal
- Able to keep confidence
- Able to envision and discern
- Understand family systems & congregational dynamics
- Familiar with Taftsville history and tradition
- Not controlled by emotional reactions
- Able to analyze
- Patient
- Able to be sensitive to others
Transition Team tasks:
- Commit to a 2-year process
- Meet twice per month to guide the process
- Work with Jenifer as coach, and with interim pastor
- Create job description for interim pastor, look for and hire interim pastor
- Look to the congregational report to understand the voice of the congregation
- Help congregation set goals based on the report’s roadmap
- Report to the Church Council
- Communicate well with the congregation
- Provide input for the worship committee
- Determine when and how new pastor search will occur