The Church Council is the administrative body of the congregation.
Members include:
- Administrator
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Christian Ed Coordinator
- Trustee
- Outreach Minister
- Member-at-large
- Pastor
- Congregational Care Team Member(s)
The Church Council meets regularly to conduct the business of the church, typically once a month. Concerns of this group include budget and finances, committee assignments, giving opportunities and long-range planning. Council is the forum for discussing issues related to the church building and to church programs. This body plans special meetings, programs, or other events, and reviews work of the pastor and other congregational leaders. Council prepares the slate of nominees in adequate time for the annual reorganization.
Church Council plays an important role in providing both accountability and encouragement for leaders in all areas of the congregation. Council should frequently ask for input from the Pastor, Outreach Minister, Youth Leader, Sunday School Superintendent and other leaders. These reports are for congregational leaders to share vision, activities and problems in their area of responsibility. Council members should be generous in offering ideas, support and whatever resources are needed.
The congregation expects Council to take leadership, and make decisions on behalf of the whole church. However, Council must be sensitive to all concerns voiced within the congregation. Matters involving large financial commitment, or other potentially controversial questions, should be brought to the whole congregation for discussion and voting.
Meetings of the Church Council should be announced in advance to the congregation, and any church memeber is welcome to offer agenda items, or to attend meetings. At each meeting the secretary shall keep minutes for timely distribution to the congregation.