My trip to Red Lake was fantastic !!!! I renewed friendships and met the workers at the LHNM office. There are lots of changes in town, mainly in the number of houses built. Most of these are homes for mine workers. The gold mine is still in operation, at depths of over 10,000 feet down. They use large loaders and dump trucks in the shafts when digging. Hard to imagine driving trucks in tunnels 2 miles down.I did see some native adults wandering around. They seemed to hang out near the LHNM office building a lot. The building backs up to a wooded area and they stay out in the woods in warmer months. I saw youth a few times, they looked like they were walking to jobs in town, and I did see quite a few working in stores.I attended Grace Community Church on Sunday. They had all their singing at the beginning of service, led by Ivan and Rachel Ramer – Rachel on piano and Ivan leading the singing. (Ivan and Rachel are former members of Taftsville.) We stood for all the songs and I lost count of the number of songs that were sung, after 12. I asked if the Mennonite presence was declining or growing and was told that it seems to be staying the same.

I look forward to a return visit. There is a job opportunity if I want to move to Red Lake. I would need to support myself as LHNM does not pay its workers. Something to think about after retirement if I decide I need a change !!!!